Sohib2 semuanya, di sini aku mau sekedar sharing aja. Aku ada contoh teks pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris. Teks ini yang kemaren aku pake pada saat pidato di Weekly Meeting EECC, Pare. Semoga bermanfaat. . . Cekidot!
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullohi wabarokatuh,
Honorable Mr. X, the director of EECC;
Honorable all the teacher of EECC;
Respectable Mr. Q, the Chief of Weekly Meeting Program; and
All of my friend whom I love.
Ladies and Gentlement,
First of all, let's pray and thank unto our God, Allah SWT, who has been giving us mercies and blessing so we can attend and gather in this nice meeting without any trouble and obstacle.
Secondly, shalawat and salam always be given to our prophet, Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from the darkness to the brightness namely Islam Religion.
Thirdly, I don't forget to say thank you for the MC who has given me chance to speak in front of you all.
Ladies and Gentlement,
Standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech by the title "Television Effect for Kids".
Television Effect for Kids
In present day, television (TV) becomes one of important things of a family life. Every family almost has this magic box at their home. Is there anyone here who doesn’t have TV at home?
Perhaps, some of us have habit that doing our activity while watching TV. Even, not a few of us take TV as entertainer, babysitter, and teacher. Unfortunately, the activity has very bad for us. TV is actually like a knife, it always has two side on them. In one side, there is advantages. But, on the other hand it has disadvantages too.
In the early days of development, the TV is an object which is very useful especially for the spreading of information. When there are events, can be directly reported in the same day or when the incident took place directly (LIVE). It's amazing. However, TV program in Indonesia now dominated by entertainment and promotion matter. Those program contain many unproper and uneducate matter.
And how about its effect for the children?
As we know that Indonesian television program now presents many adult programs than for kids. On prime time when the kids still up, there are bunch of unproper program that kids shouldn’t watch.
Television effect on children is considered quite worrisome and needs to get serious attention from parents, because beside of reducing the hours of sleep that result in psychological disturbance also affects mental health of children. Influence and development of children after watching violent media impressions during the pre-school will result in child psychology is becoming harder in their society.
There are several ways that parents can do to reduce the impact of TV on children:
1. Giving a time limit for watching television;
2. Putting the TV in the room that is rarely used;
3. Selecting the program and accompaning the child while watching TV;
4. Preparing an alternative activity; and
5. Reading a book.
That's all of my speech, I hope it is useful for us and I apologise if found many mistake from my speech. Thanks for your nice attention and the last I say..
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullohi wabarokatuh.
I give time back to the MC.
5 tahun yang lalu
Thanks yaa Bro...
Okee, sering2 mampir yaa.. ;-)
Nice to know it, I was stayed in EECC
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